Accidents and Trauma

Realignment for Accidents and Trauma at Tyjeski Family Chiropractic
Trauma to the body has the ability to damage your structural balance by causing what is know as subluxations. Subluxations are the slight structural bodily shifts that create abnormal and painful stress. This stress causes nerves to be stretched or condensed, affecting everything from your muscle to your bones and even including your brain.
For millions of people realignment through the use of chiropractic healthcare has made a vast difference between insufferable pain, long lasting disability and relief through the restoration of health. If you are suffering, give our chiropractic team in Beaver Dam WI or our chiropractic office in Watertown WI a call today. Our experienced chiropractic team at Tyjeski Family Chiropractic is here to help!
Minor Accidents
On many occasions severe health problems can stem from a small or minor accident that caused a subluxation. Too often do patients determine that the cause of much present pain is resulting from a childhood injuries or even potentially a complication at birth. There may not have been any signals of a serious injuries such as needing medical attention. Your medical doctor at the time may not have put much emphasize on the future implications of the injury but MDs are not trained to correctly discover and rid the body for subluxations.
Serious Accidents
Chiropractic services are never a replacement for urgent medical care. In a dire situation all steps must be taken to save a life.
After medical doctors have properly treated a patient there is then a lapse in time where every person patiently waits for the healing process to start. This is the situation where a medical professional has exhausted all traditional efforts.
True healing is accomplished by the ever-evolving wisdom that each of our bodies possesses. It is an awe-inspiring event such as the constant recreation of life through the miracle of birth. It is the goal of all doctors to provide a conducive environment that allows the body to healing without interruption. This is exactly why chiropractic services need to be provided to the body is a safe manner.
Post Accident Health Problems
After being involved in a serious or minor accident many patients continue to endure pain and disability for years after the event. This is true even after receiving proper medical attention along with the use of medication and therapy.
Post injuries concerns range from pain in the neck area, shoulders, hands, legs, back and feet. There have even been cases where scoliosis has onset after an injury has happened. It is all too common to have surrounding loved ones report a noticeable shift in a patients personality after going through a traumatic event. This symptom is what is know to be called “Post Traumatic Stress Disorder” and can onset a sleuth of additional problems including insomnia, mental dullness, allergies and many more. Subluxations predominantly can cause loss of energy, vision problems (including blindness) and numerous childhood stresses. Even with all these potential problems after an injury that all have the potential to be corrected following a safe chiropractic regimen.
Injuries relief through chiropractic care
No matter if you have been in an accident or suffered unavoidable trauma, whether minor or serious, it is always recommended to consulting a chiropractic professional. Your body must be properly diagnosed to check for nerve damage that could potentially be caused by subluxations. The adjustment received from chiropractic care can bring a situation from a life of constant pain to a life of full activity and health.
For more information, call your Beaver Dam WI and Watertown WI chiropractors today and get your life back on track.