Go Ahead, Enjoy The Holidays in Watertown WI

Go Ahead, Enjoy The Holidays in Watertown WI

Chiropractic Watertown W Enjoy The Holidays

There are two schools of thought this time of year. One says that you should diet hard and exercise off all the unwanted pounds to look your best for the holidays. And the other says to throw common sense out the window, and eat and drink your way through the holidays. My thinking falls in the middle. Go ahead, enjoy the holidays sensibly…..But have a plan for the new year. Contact our Watertown WI chiropractic clinic today to learn more.

Eat the food you want, just make sure your portions are somewhat controlled. Have a small bite of dessert and maybe take the whole family on a walk after your big meal. This can actually help aid in digestion and maybe make those pants feel a little less snug. But on the other days, eat as healthy as you can, exercise when you can, and in general take care of yourself.

And here is the second part…….the plan. In 2025 I am leading a series called “Best Year Yet”. In this series, we will be touching on the many different parts of living a healthy life. We are excited this year to invite other experts into the discussion as we all learn what a healthy life looks like.

Highlights for this next year include focusing on both physical and mental health. In physical health we will not only explore the use of chiropractic care, but also about flexibility and mobility and how to move well at any age. We will also spend time acknowledging that mental health is an important part of overall health and how to support your mental health. We will also talk about how we feed the body and how to get the best out of the food you eat. This may seem overwhelming to address all of this at once. That is why we are going to break it down into simple tips and steps to take to make it work for your lifestyle.

The first step in the process will be our recommendation to DETOX in 2025. It is the literal definition of “Out with the old, In with the new.” This detox program is simple to do, nothing strange or scary. You drink a few shakes each day and eat real food. This detox cleanse is whole food-based nutrition that supports and boosts the body's natural ability to eliminate toxins. We will be part of the Standard Process National Detox program for 2025. There will be a national facebook group and we will support you as well. We all benefit when we work together to improve our health.

We know that our patients and family that go through the detox feel better. They have decreased gut issues, increased mental clarity, and more energy. They also experience decreased skin issues, decreased joint discomfort and better sleep. The process of this detox is also an opportunity to get off of sugar and reduce caffeine intake. Who wouldn’t want to start their New Year feeling great!

The timeline for this program is that you need to decide by December if you will participate. We will have an informational meeting in December so that we can choose the proper kit for you and help you know what to expect so you can get the most out of this process. This is one area where you do get out what you put in. More information is available at our November wellness class. Treat yourself this holiday season by enjoying this time with family and friends knowing you have a plan to jump into the New Year with a resolution to be your best, feel your best, and get ready to have your Best Year Yet.

At our Wellness Class we will dive deeper into how toxins affect the body, but also how to incorporate the detox into your lifestyle. Attending this class does not automatically sign you up for the detox, but gives you the knowledge to take control of your health. As always, I will be available to answer questions so bring your questions and get ready to learn! Please join us at our Beaver Dam location for this FREE class on Tuesday, November 19th at 5:30pm. You do not need to be a patient to attend.

Yours in Health,

Dr. Stephanie Tyjeski

Dr. Stephanie graduated in December 2016 with her Doctorate in Chiropractic at Logan University. She continued on at Logan University to receive her Masters in Nutrition and Human Performance. She is also certified as a Digestive Health Professional through the Loomis Enzyme Institute. She currently works at Tyjeski Family Chiropractic and Wellness Center.

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