Shrink Your Waist, Not Your Joy In Watertown WI

“It won’t budge. Every time I look at it, it still hasn’t budged. I’ve done everything by the book and that number won’t budge. Is it even worth doing at all if that number won’t budge!!!???”
Have You Had This Discussion?
Have you had this discussion with yourself when standing on a scale? You have been exercising, eating healthy, drinking water, getting plenty of rest and still that number doesn’t change. You still dream about that chocolate cake you skipped at Christmas because you were going to stick to your guns and start the new year off a little lighter. When you’ve done everything and you still don’t see the weight change on the scale you start to blame yourself. Why continue down this road if you haven’t seen any changes? Well, I have good news, it really is your scales fault! Contact our chiropractic team in Beaver Dam WI or Watertown WI today!
Your scale gives you one single number. Within that number, there is an abundance of information your scale isn’t telling you. The weight of your bones, muscle, organs, fat, and water in the body all add up to give you the weight on the scale. That single number is not the whole story…..In fact it is only the first chapter. For instance, if you are exercising to help you lose weight, you are probably gaining muscle at the same time you are losing fat. That may cause it to look like you are gaining overall weight if you only look at your bathroom scale.
Here Is The Solution
The solution is to use a bioimpedance scale. We have an InBody (bioimpedance) scale right in our office so we can help our patients determine if they are gaining muscle and losing fat. It starts by giving you that overall weight number like your bathroom scale, and then it dives into the really important information. How much of that weight is from muscle, fat, water, organs, and bones. Those numbers are where the true value is. Because you could be losing weight, and in reality you are losing muscle….not fat. You could be dehydrated because you aren’t drinking enough water. Or you are retaining extracellular water from eating too much processed food and sodium. So you can see why all these numbers are so much more important than just the overall single scale number.
That helps us to lead the conversation into WHY you are not losing weight, and you can see that it gives me a great direction to go in. Over the next couple of months, we will be focusing on the diet and exercise parts of fat loss/muscle gain. But today I want to talk about other reasons you may not be losing fat.
When we begin talking to a patient about losing fat, we don’t just talk about diet. We also talk about how your body is functioning to make sure the organs are working properly to process food to use it for energy, and not just store it all for later as fat. The most important organ to make sure is functioning at 100% is the liver. The liver is what stored the fat in your fat cells in the first place. If the liver isn’t functioning at its best, it will store fat until it can process it at a later time. However, if you don’t ever fix your liver function, it will continue to store the fat and cannot utilize or eliminate it as the body needs it to.
The other system to make sure is operating properly is your lymphatic system. This system transports fat to be used or eliminated in the body. If this system is plugged up, your body will store the fat until it can handle it later on. So what can you do to help your liver and lymphatic system be ready to lose weight? Diet plays a huge role in making sure your liver and lymphatic system are ready for weight loss.
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Eat veggies high in fiber to cleanse the liver and lymphatic system. Avoid over processed foods with high amounts of chemicals that will clog those systems. You wouldn’t put tar in a car to make it run because it would cause everything to clog up. Processed foods work the same way in the body. So give your body the proper fuel. Ensuring your body’s fat loss system is operating at peak will help you lose weight and keep it off. If diet alone doesn’t seem to correct the problem, there are high quality supplements that can help with liver function. And exercise helps the lymphatic system work properly, but we will get into more details on that and what to do if you can’t exercise enough in the next 2 months.
Need A Boost?
Now what if you’ve been doing all of this and still haven’t dropped the intended weight? Your body's weight loss system may need a boost, and our Zerona fat loss laser does just that. The Zerona laser liquifies fat within the fat cell, and then creates a pore in the fat cell to allow the fat to leave the cell and get picked up by the lymphatic system. The pore in the fat cell closes and remains “empty” but not destroyed, which is very important to the overall function of your body. The Zerona laser supports both the lymphatic system and liver to help you either utilize or eliminate fat.
While the Zerona Laser itself is amazing, there are two simple tasks you must perform in order to see results. First, you must walk a minimum of 15 minutes every day to help pump the lymphatic system. Most of us get this on a daily basis from running errands. But walking on a treadmill, or outside will ensure you get enough. Second, you must drink at least 64 oz of water. This one can be a little harder for people, but you should be drinking this amount whether you’re trying to lose weight or not. It's good for you. With the Zerona, there is no restricted dieting, no two hours at the gym every day. No massive commitment. It is a great way to boost your fat loss system and help you get moving on those New Year's Resolutions!
So if you’ve been struggling with that number on the scale even when doing everything right, maybe it’s time to try something different. Learn what your numbers really are and what they mean. Get your fat loss system functioning properly with the confidence knowing you are losing fat and not muscle. Get a start on your “Best Year Yet” with Tyjeski Family Chiropractic. Make a commitment this year to take care of the most important person in your life: YOU! And we will be there to teach, help, and Inspire you. Let's work together to make this the BEST YEAR YET!!
Join me at our Wellness Class as we dive deeper into supporting your body's fat loss system to achieve a healthier you. Bring your questions and get ready to learn! Please join us at our Beaver Dam location for this FREE class on Tuesday, January 21st at 5:30pm. Invite your friends, family, neighbors, and anyone who supports your health. You do not need to be a patient to attend.
Yours in Health,
Dr. Stephanie Tyjeski
Dr. Stephanie graduated in December 2016 with her Doctorate in Chiropractic at Logan University. She continued on at Logan University to receive her Masters in Nutrition and Human Performance. She is also certified as a Digestive Health Professional through the Loomis Enzyme Institute. She currently works at Tyjeski Family Chiropractic and Wellness Center where she offers personalized nutritional counseling.